Acknowledging the uncomfortable intense awkward parts of grief
Interview with Dawn : auras, colors, abilities and art OH MY!
Pelvic Floor : Every human has one... with Alaina Vince PT, DPT, PCES Pelvic Floor Specialist's not just for pacing your orgasms!
It's about time to embrace our uniqueness
S2E2 Omegas: Who knew they helped lube both set of my lips?
Being Brave about feelings / emotions during Pisces new beginnings and new energy
Friday the 13th what beauty and good luck
Interview with Aromatherapist Alisha Meyers and her take on essential oils and what they do to your psyche
Bees dandelions pollination and why they are all important
No Joke New Moon in Aires
Spring/Fall Equinox----Beginning of Aires Season
Ancient Holi Festival
Interview with Dr. Alen Bradford Naturopathic Physician
Healing and trauma
A year and half waiting....
Full Moon Feb. 16 and its connection to August 2020
A Moment of Gratitude
Communication and the 5 love languages
Capricorn x Venus: what we can expect through March 6th
What is Grounding
The Naughty Mystic - Introduction